We believe the Bible to be the inspired, infallible, and only authoritative Word of God.
We believe there is only one true God who has revealed Himself in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that God lovingly gives people forgiveness of sins and thus reconciles them to Himself. Jesus Christ, took the punishment for all sin for all people upon Himself when He died on the cross of Calvary. God raised Him from the dead on Easter and thus demonstrated to the world that the sacrifice of the Lamb of God has been accepted and man’s sins paid for.
We believe God the Holy Spirit creates and sustains faith – bringing about a relationship with Jesus. This faith is given and sustained through the means of grace: God’s word (Holy Scripture), Holy Waters of Baptism, and Holy Communion (Lord’s Supper). Faith imparts forgiveness. The Holy Spirit also nurtures us as we grow in our faith.
We believe that a Christian is a member of the Church not because of what he has done or who he is, but because God has called him into a relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. To know Him is the only way to know what true life is all about, and serving Him is life’s greatest privilege.
We are a congregation of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), is a mission-oriented, Bible-based, confessional Christian denomination headquartered in St. Louis, Mo. Founded in 1847, the LCMS has more than 2.3 million baptized members in some 6,200 congregations and more than 9,000 pastors. Two seminaries and 10 colleges and universities operate under the auspices of the LCMS, and its congregations operate the largest Protestant parochial school system in America. The church broadcasts the saving message of Jesus Christ over KFUO Radio, and it has relationships and active mission work in 89 countries around the world. In the last five years, the LCMS has awarded more than $35 million through more than 900 domestic and international grants for emergency response and disaster relief. Today, the LCMS is in full doctrinal fellowship with 33 other confessional Lutheran church bodies worldwide and is a founding partner of Lutheran Services in America, a social ministry organization serving one in every 50 Americans. For more information, visit www.lcms.org.
Lutheran Church Of The Resurrection
Lutheran Church Of The Resurrection 6305 North Blue Angel Parkway Pensacola, FL 32526 US