Mission Education, Mission Inspiration, Mission Service, Financial Grants for Mission Needs
Serve the Lord with gladness (Psalm 100:2).
PURPOSE: The mission of the church in Social Ministry is responding to God’s love in Christ by expressing and demonstrating His love and compassion in meeting human need.
Social Ministry typically meets the first Wednesday of the month at 1 PM in the conference room.
Adult Bible Study meets every Wednesday morning at 11 am. We also have Adult Bible Class on Sundays at 10:30 am.
Join us for fellowship and a study of God's Word.
Join us to exercise! Movers and Shakers meets weekly. All levels welcome!
Classes meet in the Gathering Place at 10:15 AM on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Sunshine Shepherds meets at an area restaurant the third Friday of the month for food, fellowship, and fun!
Our wonderful quilters meet every Thursday at 9 AM in the Gathering Place. They make beautiful mission quilts that are sent around the world through Lutheran World Relief to people in need.
PURPOSE: To serve God and the congregation of the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection by overseeing and efficiently administering the resources with which God has blessed the church, including time, talent, and treasure and to develop good stewardship attitudes and habits in the members of the congregation.
"Christian stewardship is the free and joyous activity of the child of God and God's family, the church, in managing all of life and life's resources for God's purposes."
For more information on Stewardship please contact Scot Dixon: scot@thedixonfamily.us.
RML is an organization where the men of our congregation come together to provide assistance to the church in various ways, from projects to beautify or maintain the church building and grounds to supporting Christian activities in the surrounding area.
Our congregation invites the community to join us for events throughout the year. Some of these events include Vacation Bible School in the summer, Pumpkins and Praise in the Fall, and our Live Nativity at Christmas.
PURPOSE: Enlisting qualified men to assist the pastor in carrying out his duties, and to oversee the spiritual life of the congregation and its individual members.
For more information on the Elders, please contact Joe Smedinghoff, Head Elder, at jsmedinghoff@comcast.net.
Lutheran Church Of The Resurrection
Lutheran Church Of The Resurrection 6305 North Blue Angel Parkway Pensacola, FL 32526 US